05.01. or 05.02.: 3D Printing Workshop


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What happens when you take something as rich and beautiful as China’s cultural heritage and introduce it to something as novel as 3D printing? The 3D Printing Workshop at the Courtyard Institute attempts to answer this question by exploring the relationship between Chinese traditional arts and crafts and three dimensional technologies. In this fun and experimental workshop, participants will become familiar with 3D modeling and will learn how to design, visualize and 3D print their own creations. With courses specially designed for beginners, having an interest in China’s rich cultural heritage and a general curiosity for contemporary technologies are the only requirements.


– 3-hour-course 

– Ages 13 and up welcome

– Class size limited to 10 per session

– No prior experience is necessary


This 3 hour course will cover the basics of 3D modeling in Trimble SketchUp and will offer participants the chance to print on one of our 10, Up2 Plus 3D Printers, courtesy of Beijing Tiertime Technologies. Each class includes a 3D printed object up to 10 grams in material weight*. 3D Printers and material will be provided.

Please bring your own laptop and mouse to the workshop**. 

*Due to long print times, participants will be asked to pick up their prints at a later time or can pay extra to have their prints delivered to their homes.

**If you are unable to bring a laptop we will be demonstrating the 3D modeling process live over a projector and will provide resources for later use.


Course Highlights: 

  • Brief History traditional Chinese Lattice Design
  • Introduction to 3D Printing – What is 3D Printing?
  • Free Software and Plug-in Installation – Download and Install SketchUp 
  • Design Tools – Get to know SketchUp (3D modeling software)
  • Step-by-Step Guide to designing a product using SketchUp
  • Optimizing and exporting your model for printing 
  • Uploading and downloading from online repositories
  • Live 3D Printing!





  • Ami Nigam

Architect, Designer

Ami is an Indian architect currently practicing in Beijing and has worked in Architecture and Design for over 5 years in cities like London, Bombay and Beijing. He is a graduate from the Arts University Bournemouth, an Experimental Design school in the UK. He has always been interested in the conversation between old and new, rich cultural heritage and contemporary technologies.

  • David Doepel

Designer, Cultural Educator

David is an Austrian designer, his installation was a part of the Beijing Design Week in 2014. He has been involved in Chinese Cultural Education with Courtyard Institute over the last year. He is a graduate from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Department of Sinology at the University of Vienna.  One of his areas of focus is Chinese Cultural Design.

  • Leandro Rolon

Architect, Designer

Leandro is an American architect and designer with over 10 years of 3D Printing expertise. Throughout his career he has contributed to the realization of numerous large-scale projects spanning a total of four continents and hosted numerous 3D printing events in Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Beijing. He is a graduate from The Southern California Institute of Architecture (sci-ARC), which is widely regarded as one of the most avant-garde U.S. architecture schools, with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of academic study and design.


Dates :  

Friday, 1st May, 10:00 – 13:00


Saturday, 2nd May, 14:00 – 17:00

Venue : 

The Courtyard Institute (No.28 Zhonglao Hutong, Dongcheng District) 




Please send an email with your name, age and the date of the session you want to attend (May 1st or May 2nd) to rsvp@courtyardinstitute.com

Price :  

RMB 350 (promotional price) includes your own print

Important: Upon receiving your rsvp email we will provide you with info on payment options.


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