5.17. and 24. Tea Tasting – Fresh Spring Harvest from Yunnan


Fresh tea from the Mountains of Yunnan

After two months of traveling for Spring tea in Yunnan, Paul Murray has returned to the Courtyard Institute to share his Spring tea collection. In this session Paul will brew several of his freshly produced raw Spring Puer teas.

Don’t miss this opportunity to taste young raw Puer teas directly from the villages in the misty mountains of Yunnan.

tea mountain

About Paul Murray

Paul Murray, owner of White2tea.com and author of Twodogteablog.com first visited Yunnan in 2005 and has been living in China ever since. His love affair with Pu’er tea slowly escalated from casual tea drinking into sourcing and processing his own Pu’er teas under his White2tea label. Paul spends his spring and fall in Yunnan visiting farmers around the region and searching out sustainably produced tea of the highest quality. Paul is dedicated to Pu’er education and the preservation and promotion of tea culture.



May 17th (Chinese session), May 24th (English session)



Courtyard Institute


80 RMB


Please follow this link to reserve and pay in advance:

YOOPAY LINK (May 24th)

YOOPAY LINK (May 17th)

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