6.23. Film Viewing: “The Soong Sisters”


The Royal Asiatic Society and the Courtyard Institute invite for a viewing of The Soong Sisters, an historical drama film based on the lives of three legendary sisters who influenced Chinese politics to a startling degree from 1911 to 1949. Each married a key historical figure — father of the Chinese republic Sun Yat-sen, Kuomintang Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and prominent banker Kung Hsiang-hsi (Kong Xiangxi) — making their family the focal point of Chinese decisionmaking at the top during that period. It’s been said that “one married for power, one married for money, and one married for China”.
Directed by Mabel Cheung, the film was released in Hong Kong in 1997 and contains some allusions to Hong Kong’s reversion to Chinese sovereignty that year.

The Soong Sisters on Imdb
Wikipedia article on the Soong Sisters

This event is co-hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society


Tuesday, June 23, 7:30-9:30 PM


40 RMB regular ticket
20 RMB for RAS Members




email events@rasbj.org and let us know how many seats to reserve for you.

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