11/08: 【四合学堂】A Hutong Adventure for Kids

On November 8th, the Courtyard Institute invites your kids, age from 7 to 10, to join us for a special Hutong Adventure. We have put together a series of fun and interactive activities, all packed into half a day, for the kids to experience and learn about old Beijing.

Through this tailored half-day program, the children, together with our teachers, will explore the historic Hutongs around our courtyard, learn how to make shadow puppets and perform a shadow puppet play.

Hutong Adventure

We are turning the children into little Hutong explorers. Every Hutong holds a little secret about the life in historic Beijing and as explorers we will try to uncover them.

Together with a teacher the kids will be roaming the Hutongs on the lookout for small treasures. Finding historic artifacts, meeting Hutong residents who will be demonstrating how to play traditional music instruments and play old Beijing games, and solving small quizzes the children get to learn about the old imperial city in an engaging and fun way.

Tell the Hutong Adventure Story using Shadow Puppets

After the Hutong Adventure, our little explorers return to our courtyard,and the shadow puppet workshop begins. The workshop aims to enhance the kids’ understanding about their discovery of hutong lives using shadow puppets.

Under the guidance of our teachers, the participants will then work with paper, scissors, color pens, decoration materials and their imaginations, to create their own puppets and scenery. The participants are divided into small performance groups of 2-4 and get to invent and rehearse their shadow play plot together.

After dinner the performances begin. A magical transformation of the children’s work takes place in front of the screen. Narration, movement and music let the children’s imagination in the form of their cutouts come to life.Through this workshop the kids will embrace a wonderful aspect of hutong culture while develops their creativity and imagination.

There will be a little prize for each team based on their merits of producing the best puppet-design, the best storytelling and the best hutong explorer.

Program timeline

The Program will start at 14:00 in our courtyard (you can find us on the map at our website www.courtyardinsitute.net) where we will get to know each other. We will then head out into the Hutongs surrounding the Jingshan Park. After about an hour and a half we will return to the courtyard. After some refreshments and games the shadow puppet workshop will begin. After finishing the puppets for the show, we will break for dinner at 18:00. The shadow puppet performances will start after dinner. The program ends at about 20:00.


– The recommended age for participants is between 7-10 years old.

– Parents are welcome to join us for the activities and follow their kids through the day. Additionally,if you want to join for dinner a fee of RMB80 applies.

– Kids have to bring warm clothes since we will be spending quite some time outside in the Hutongs.

– The children can take their self-made shadow puppets back home with them.

– It is recommended to register early, as the number of participants is limited.


– 2014年11月08日14:00-20:00 (晚餐18:00,演出19:00)

– Nov 08, 14:00-20:00 (Dinner @ 18:00,performance @19:00)


– 四合书院(北京市东城区中老胡同28号,近五四大街西口)地图附后

– Courtyard Institute (No.28 Zhonglao Hutong, Dongcheng District) See map attached.



– 人民币460元 / 孩子(含晚餐);家长陪伴费用:人民币80元 / 成人(含晚餐)

– RMB460 per child (including dinner); For parents : RMB80 per person for dinner


– rsvp@courtyardinstitute.com / +86 10- 84048242 (请务必提前报名,不接受当天空降;报名截止11月06日,报名成功者将收到确认邮件)。

– To register: please email rsvp@courtyardinstitute.com or call +86 10-84048242 (please register before Nov06., you will receive a confirmation email from us)

About the Lead Teacher:

Before coming to Beijng, David Deopel had studied Chinese in Austria for a few years. When he arrived in Beijing, David has enjoyed living and working in the hutongs. After joining the Courtyard Institute, he has combined his love for the hutongs with his passion for cultural exchange. We are going to have him as our lead teacher for the above program.

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