Good Morning Pu’er – Tea Tasting Series with Paul Murray

Immerse yourself in the diverse world of tea at an exclusive tea tasting session with Paul Murray.

This first four-part-series will focus on special topics surrounding Pu’er tea. The series is held on Saturday mornings at 10am in the “siheyuan” of the Courtyard Institute. The first session took place on Saturday 22. November.

Saturday 29. Nov – Session 2: Storage Conditions and Aging Tea
We will hold a comparison of aged teas from three different storage types: Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Yunnan. We will discuss the pros and cons of each type of storage and analyze what types of storage best fit each participants’ personal taste.  We also analyze how to optimize home storage in various climates and conditions so that each participant understands how to best store their own collection.

Saturday 6. Dec – Session 3: Seasonal Differences
During this session we will taste raw Pu’er teas picked during Spring, Summer, and Fall and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will also discuss the differences in weather and the effect that season has on Pu’er tea. These three teas will help participants to distinguish quality of teas from a seasonal perspective.

Saturday 13. Dec – Session 4: Plantation Tea and Old Arbor Tea
This session will focus on the differences between plantation teas and old arbor Pu’er teas. We will compare trees from younger bushes and older trees and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type of tea.  We will use a vertical tasting method, comparing teas from the same region, but of different quality. Our goal will be to help participants hone their ability to distinguish between high and low quality Pu’er.

All the teas are carefully chosen and sourced by Paul, whose good relationship with some of the tea villages in Yunnan allow him to get his hands on very rare teas. Some of the teas come from very old trees, which produce a very low yearly quantity of tea and only people with suitcases full of cash and/or good “guanxi” can get a hold of them. These kinds of tea rarely make it to the market in Beijing (most of the teas at the markets in Beijing (e.g.: Maliandao – 馬連道) are from plantation bushes).

The sessions are held in the confines of our peaceful courtyard and in small groups. Join us for a comfortable and relaxed Saturday morning that will enrich your tea drinking experiences in the future.

About Paul Murray
Paul Murray, owner of and author of first visited Yunnan in 2005and has been living in China ever since. His love affair with Pu’er tea slowly escalated from casual tea drinking into sourcing and processing his own Pu’er teas under his White2tea label. Paul spends his spring and fall in Yunnan visiting farmers around the region and searching out sustainably produced tea of the highest quality. Paul is dedicated to Pu’er education and the preservation and promotion of tea culture.



November 22. and 29. ,
December 6. and 13.;
10am – 12pm


– Courtyard Institute (No.28 Zhonglao Hutong, Dongcheng District) MAP


– 200 RMB/person per session


English and Chinese

RSVP:  or
+86 10- 84048242

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