“Cha-Experience” – Relax and learn about tea with expert Paul Murray


We are starting the cold months of 2015 with three tea tastings that will provide you with a good basis to understand and enjoy tea. Paul Murray, a tea specialist, who not only relentlessly drinks tea but also has been traveling to Yunnan for years, sourcing and producing his own teas, will be leading these sessions for us again.

With different tea leaves come different tastes and experiences. The mellow, natural flavors of tea, the rising steam from the hot water dancing in the morning sunlight. Dive into the elegant and soothing world of tea with us. Experience Cha.



February 1st Session 1: The differences between black tea (hongcha), Oolong tea, and Puer tea.

This session will focus on the basic processing and flavor differences in partially and fully fermented teas, as well as ripe Puer, which a post fermented tea. The Oolong will be a Dancong from Guangong province. The black tea will be from Northern Yunnan and the ripe Puer from Southern Yunnan. The group will discuss how the teas differ and how teas are classified in a broad sense.


“Barb’s Breakfast Black” Yunnan Black Tea 云南红茶

Zhilan (Orchid) Xiang Dancong 芝兰香单枞

1998 White Wrapper Ripe Tuocha 1998年熟普洱沱茶


February 15th, Session 2: An Introduction to Aged Teas

Some genres of teas, such as Puer tea, benefit from aging and storage. In this session we will drink and discuss young raw Puer teas and aged raw Puer teas to compare how the teas differ and what changes have taken place during the aging process.


2014 Apple Scruffs Puer 2014年的生普

2007 Repave 07年的一款茶

1998 7542 1998年的7542


March 8th, Session 3: Mass Production Teas Versus Small Production

In this session we will compare some black teas produced on a larger scale versus small scale production hand made teas. We will drink three different black teas from Yunnan, one Dianhong, one Jinmaofeng, and one black tea produced from old arbor Puer material.


Dianhong 滇红

Jinmaofeng 金毛峰

Big Tree Red 大树红


When:  Sundays: February 1st and 15th, March 8th; 10am – 11:30am


WhereTheCourtyard Institute, (No. 28 Zhonglao Hutong, Dongcheng District)


Fee: 80 RMB per session (or 200 RMB for all 3 sessions if booked in advance)

费用:80元/人 (预定四次讲座总共200元)

RSVPrsvp@courtyardinstitute.com / +86 10- 84048242.


If registering through e-mail, please provide the sessions you want to attend as well as your name and the number of people that will accompany you. A confirmation will be sent to you.


Language: English & Chinese




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